Monday, May 27, 2024

Postdoctoral Position at Wave Transport in Complex Systems Lab—Wesleyan University

The Wave Transport in Complex Systems (WTICS) Lab at Wesleyan University is
opening a post-doctoral position on wave transport in theory or/and experiment
using microwave and RF analogue circuitry. The candidate must have a basic
knowledge of theory of metamaterials. A knowledge of software packages for
electronic design (such as COMSOL, SPICE etc) is desirable. Specific areas of research that are relevant to the current post include:

(a) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning;
(b) Non-Hermitian systems;
(c) Active topological structures;
(d) Asymmetric transport;
(e) Wavefront shaping techniques

The position is for two years with a possible extension of a third year. Information
about the WTICS group can be found here. Interested candidates should send a CV, a short statement of work and three recommendation letters to Prof. T. Kottos at

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