Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Observing strongly-coupled Mie polaritons using water droplets

Mie theory, the analytical solution for electromagnetic wave scattering off a spherical particle, provides a powerful approach for understanding scattering spectra in terms of different multipole resonances. While the assumption of spherical symmetry is often merely an approximation, Mie theory can nevertheless give useful insights in more realistic settings such as resonances of cylindrical high refractive index nanopillars.

One setting where spherical scatterers arise quite naturally is in liquids with high surface tension, which promotes the formation of spherical droplets. Remarkably, for the case of water droplets with radii of a few microns, the Mie resonances coincide with the infrared stretching and bending vibrational resonances of the H2O molecule! This leads to strong coupling between electromagnetic and vibrational degrees of freedom leading to the formation of polaritons, as reported in recent work published in Physical Review Letters: Self-Hybridized Vibrational-Mie Polaritons in Water Droplets.

Observing the key signature of strong coupling - Rabi splitting between upper and lower polariton resonances (corresponding to electromagnetic and vibrational oscillations being in or out of phase) - using water droplets is complicated by the non-uniform droplet sizes. Thus, the measured scattering spectrum involved not just a few resonances at specific frequencies, but a distribution of different resonance frequencies dependent on the particles' sizes.

To overcome this, the authors of the study also measured the scattering spectra of droplets of heavy water, where the vibrational modes become red-shifted due to the increased mass of the deuterium atoms. The authors observed that the absorption peaks associated with the strong coupling between vibrational and electromagnetic resonances are also red-shifted.

In addition to applications to the spectra of water droplets in the atmosphere, it will be interesting to explore similar strong coupling phenomena in other high surface tension liquids and applications to polariton chemistry, whereby strong coupling between electromagnetic and molecular degrees of freedom shows promise as a means of controlling rates of chemical reactions.

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