Tuesday, July 12, 2022

arXiv highlights

 A randomized benchmarking suite for mid-circuit measurements

Mid-circuit measurements of ancilla qubits form a key component of near-term quantum algorithms including NISQ-TDA, future quantum error correction techniques, and quantum algorithms for fault-tolerant quantum computers. This preprint from IBM presents techniques for quantifying the performance and error rates of mid-circuit measurements which are now supported by IBM quantum processors.
Focused high-intensity laser pulses can ionize air molecules, creating channels of air with higher electrical conductivity which can be used to guide and induce lightning strikes. Peaceful applications include protecting airports and rockets from lightning strikes. No doubt there are also military applications of this kind of research.
Quantum chemistry calculations using classical supercomputers. Exponential memory scaling is avoided by using density matrix embedding theory to eliminate irrelevant degrees of freedom and matrix product states to efficiently capture quantum correlations. Apparently this approach can handle chemical systems with up to 100 atoms and it may also be useful for benchmarking variational quantum algorithms run on near-term quantum processors.
"Our simulation with the lowest bond dimension D = 2—for which the fidelity is close to zero—obtains a solution to the classical problem providing the depth of the circuit is high enough p ≈ 20, even with a sub-optimal choice of parameters and single deterministic sampling of bitstrings...In conclusion, we observe that entanglement plays a minor role in finding the solution to the classical problems studied here for large-depth QAOA." More evidence that your "quantum" optimization algorithm can be efficiently run on an ordinary classical computer.

Finally, I am advertising our own recent work on incorporating electronic correlation effects into shallow quantum circuits suitable for near-term noisy quantum processors. 

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