Deadlines abound so I haven't been following arXiv postings that closely. Some papers of note from the last few weeks:
Dielectric Mie Voids: Confining Light in Air. The authors demonstrate a metasurface analogue of photonic crystal fibers. A neat idea that could enable ultra-low loss flat optics.
Beyond Barren Plateaus: Quantum Variational Algorithms Are Swamped With Traps. "We prove that a wide class of variational quantum models -- which are shallow, and exhibit no barren plateus -- have only a superpolynomially small fraction of local minima within any constant energy from the global minimum, rendering these models untrainable if no good initial guess of the optimal parameters is known." End-users beware: this work adds to evidence that variational quantum algorithms may not be scalable up to useful problem sizes.
Beyond Barren Plateaus: Quantum Variational Algorithms Are Swamped With Traps. "We prove that a wide class of variational quantum models -- which are shallow, and exhibit no barren plateus -- have only a superpolynomially small fraction of local minima within any constant energy from the global minimum, rendering these models untrainable if no good initial guess of the optimal parameters is known." End-users beware: this work adds to evidence that variational quantum algorithms may not be scalable up to useful problem sizes.
Persistent homology analysis of a generalized Aubry-André-Harper model. Our own recent work on applying topological data analysis to study localization transitions in photonic lattices. What we found particularly exciting is that this is our first example of TDA discovering an unanticipated effect - the emergence of disorder-free eigenstates for certain model parameters.
Experimentally realized in situ backpropagation for deep learning in nanophotonic neural networks. Spoiler: the nonlinear activation functions are implemented digitally. Incorporating useful nonlinear optical response into integrated photonic neural networks while outperforming conventional electronic circuits is a big challenge. One promising potential solution is to employ measurement+based nonlinearities + feedforward.
Fabrication-Robust Silicon Photonic Devices in Standard Sub-Micron Silicon-on-Insulator Processes. With the continuing interest (and hype) in topological photonics it's important to keep in mind conventional non-topological approaches for designing photonic devices. For example, wider waveguides are more robust to fabrication imperfections, at the expense of being multimode. This is a problem, because waveguide bends will then induce coupling between the different guided modes, corrupting signals. Here the authors demonstrate how a clever choice of bending profile can suppress unwanted inter-modal coupling while not increasing the device footprint.
Breakdown of quantization in nonlinear Thouless pumping. Quantized adiabatic pumping of solitons attracted a lot of interest last year. This theoretical analysis shows how quantization can break down for moderate nonlinearity strengths due to the emergence of loops in the adiabatic energy spectrum, leading to dead-ends in the adiabatic path resulting in sudden non-adiabatic transitions of the soliton.
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