Thursday, January 27, 2022

arXiv picks


Topological Molecules and Topological Localization of a Rydberg Electron on a Classical Orbit

Here the authors show conditions under which electrons in highly excited orbitals of Rydberg atoms (or interacting atoms) can be used to emulate topological tight binding models. The key idea is that a periodically-modulated driving field (or interaction strength) induces "hopping" on an effective tight binding lattice formed by the electron orbitals (or orbitals of the atomic related position)

Quantized Fractional Thouless Pumping of Solitons

Following up on previous work (summarised here and here), Jurgensen and collaborators now observe fractional topological pumping of solitons in a periodically-driven waveguide lattice. Here fractional pumping means that multiple cycles of the periodic modulation are required to obtain a shifted copy of the original beam profile. It is quite remarkable that such an analogy with fractional quantum Hall systems can be observed using a classical nonlinear optical system.

Persistent Homology of 2 Gauge Theories

Here the authors use persistent homology to study topological order in Z2 gauge theories, whose ground states consist of loops of occupied links. The idea here is that the positions of the occupied links in the ground state define a point cloud, whose shape can be reliably analyzed using persistent homology to detect phase transitions. Potential applications to models of topological quantum error-correcting codes are discussed as a direction for future work.

Roadmap on Topological Photonics

A comprehensive survey on current and future directions of topological photonics by many big names in the field.

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