It was a busy year for me, hence the substantially lower posting frequency.
I became a dad in February. It really puts the insignificance of the academic rat race in perspective. I had a lot less sleep and less uninterrupted time for deep work, but thankfully as of mid-December we are finally able to sleep more than 4 hours uninterrupted.
After a tough 9 years as a postdoc I started at tenure track position at SUTD in July. I have had a bit of a breather before research students join next year. I'm looking forward towards starting some research with a more longer term horizon than "get something publishable out within a year" as is typical for postdoc positions. And teaching undergraduates for the first time has also been highly rewarding even if it does take up a lot of time.
Before joining SUTD I was encouraged to apply for a start-up grant. Proposal writing really was a struggle with a newborn. My proposal was extremely rushed and unpolished - my aim was to just get out something that met the requirements. And thankfully it was funded. Take-home message: your grant proposal doesn't need to be perfect, sometimes the topic and the timing are more important than getting everything just right. The only certainty we have is that a proposal that is not submitted will never be funded.
On the research side, I was a collaborator on 8 papers submitted or published, with a few more promising ideas in the pipeline. I also managed to give 8 conference/seminar presentations, including at a graduate school in Indonesia. While I didn't participate in any big international conferences or workshops, I did enjoy attending a few meetings in Singapore.
On the editorial side, I've already finished 3 years of work with Physical Review A and will continue for another term. Since June I have also been serving temporarily as an editor for Physical Review Letters, handling more than 100 submissions. While there is a lot wrong with academic publishing today, one shouldn't lump journals of academic societies such as the American Physical Society with profit-driven publishers.
Happy 2025 to all readers! And if there's anything you'd like to see more of next year, let me know in the comments or drop me an email.